
Help Save Australian Dingoes

Sydney Dingo Rescue is one of only a few dedicated dingo rescue centers in Australia. We are committed to rescuing dingoes in need from across Australia.  We are unique because our sanctuary rescues both dingoes and dingo hybrids- we do not discriminate. We help dingoes with medical problems, dingoes with behavioral issues and past trauma, dingoes young and old.  We also support families that are struggling to keep their dingoes with fencing assistance, training support, and subsidized desexing.


Sydney Dingo Rescue is entirely volunteer run. Taking care of our 40+ dingoes is a labor of love. 100% of your donations go straight to helping us take care of the dingoes.

Unlike most dingo sanctuaries we are not a breeding facility- with so many dingoes in need of help (hundreds every year) we believe breeding is driven only by profit and does not help dingoes.


Our sanctuary is based on an 100 acre bush property, in New South Wales Southern Highlands area. The entire property is dedicated to the rescue, care and treatment of dingoes and other animals in need.


You can make a direct bank donation to support our work here:

Account name: Sydney Dingo Rescue

BSB: 012 030


Account number: 267085525

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